Republicans are perceived to be the party of moral values and when one of them falls off the wagon – or into bed with his best friend’s wife – the cries of “Hypocrite!” ring out loud and clear. As they should.
Yet when a Democrat, which is perceived as being the party of Negr….er, African-Americans, is discovered supporting a Negr….er, African-American, simply because his skin is whiter than most other Negr….er, African-Americans, and talks more like a white guy than a Negr….er, African-American, he gets a free pass and all is forgiven by the offended Negr…er, African-Americans.
Talk about a double-standard.
But hey, let’s give Harry Reid a break, huh? At least he didn’t call Barack an “uppity” Negro.
Still, I can’t help but wonder if he thinks Nevada state Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford speaks like a Negro or if he thinks Horsford, like Obama, talks white.
You know the worst part of “Negro-gate” (yeah, I went there)? Not that Harry Reid is a racist, but that he’s a racialist. He didn’t see the presidential campaign as one man against another. He saw it as a white man against a semi-black/white-talking man and bet the black man was going to beat the white man because he wasn’t, you know, TOO black. It’s not that he doesn’t like black folks, but that color is all that he sees when he sees them. At least politically.
The bottom line here – and there’s NO DENYING IT – Barack Obama won the presidency BECAUSE he was black, not despite the fact that he was black. Indeed, if Barack was as white as he talks, with the same absence of experience and real-world accomplishments, he’d have never been given the time of day, let alone the keys to the Oval Office.
That said, aside from Reid’s hypocrisy and playing the political race card….so what? As a Mick-Kraut with two half-Dago daughters and a half-Guido son, I am SO tired of tip-toeing around the use of terms like “Negro.” Honest Injun, I am. I mean, who among us hasn’t used an Irish priest or Speedy Gonzalez Mexican dialect at one time or another?
Let me “ax” you a question: Whatever happened to “sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me”?
On the other hand, if Harry Reid has no problem with using racial politics to win an election, who am I to argue with using racial politics to take Harry out in an election? So….fire in the hole!