Earlier today, Nevada’s #2 liberal blogger, Jon Ralston, accused Nevada Republican Party Chairman Michael McDonald of attacking his opponent in tomorrow’s election, as well as Gov. Brian Sandoval, Sen. Dean Heller and the Las Vegas Sands.
You can read Ralston’s blog post by clicking here
But McDonald says the missive Ralston posted didn’t come from him and that if Ralston had, you know, bothered to call and verify it first, you know, like a professional journalist, he’d have known that. Instead, McDonald just issued this official statement…
Chairman McDonald responds to campaign letter
It has come to our attention that a Las Vegas political columnist has published a copy of a draft campaign letter that he claims was sent to NRCC members in advance of Saturday’s election for NRP Chairman.
Chairman McDonald stated, “I want to be very clear that while this letter was written and suggested to me by an overzealous supporter, I refused to use it, and it never got past the first draft that was suggested to me.”
McDonald continued, “I’m extremely distressed that Jon Ralston published this draft, without contacting me first. If he’d checked his facts, I could have let him know that this draft was rejected and had never been sent. I’ve run a clean campaign, and I refuse to disrespect my opponent like this. For the record, I fully support Governor Sandoval and Senator Heller, and welcome their involvement with the party. Anybody that has ever heard me speak or observed my actions during the 2012 campaign knows that my goal is party unity and that I support our elected Republicans.”
“This letter was never edited beyond draft form, and was never sent to anyone beyond the few people that were in the room when it was suggested. I’ll be investigating to see who allowed this draft to become public, and they will be answering to me.”
Alas, there’s one glaring and obvious error in McDonald’s statement. Ralston is not a columnist; he’s a blogger.