Public School Pervert

OK, so there’s this 46-year-old public school teacher and soccer coach in Boulder City currently sitting behind bars facing 72 counts of child pornography.

“There are at least three victims, and as many as five, in a videotape that police took from (Rick) Rogers Boulder City home,” reports the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “The first two segments (of the video) show Rogers performing fellatio on a boy 6 to 8 years old and a boy 7 to 10 years old, respectively, the arrest report states.

“The second video, time stamped from 2006, shows three nude boys no older than 12 years old in Rogers’ living room playing with condoms and masturbating, it states. Rogers…mimics having anal sex with one of them.”

Now here’s the kicker: “The Clark County School District has placed him ON PAID LEAVE (my emphasis), and he is being held at the Clark County Detention Center on $144,000 bail.”

Taxpayers are PAYING this pervert to sit in a jail cell? What’s wrong with this picture? Why do I suspect the teachers union has something to do with this outrage?


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