Mini-Muth’s Truths: January 16, 2011

Come see the GREAT DEBATE. No, not Obama vs. Gingrich. Yours truly vs. David Gibbs at the Clark County Republican Central Committee meeting at the Orleans in Las Vegas on Tuesday, January 25 at 7:00 pm. You can come early to get “likkered up” at 6:30 pm.

The debate will be over whether or not the party should endorse candidate in GOP primaries. It will be moderated by former Clark County GOP chief Steve Wark, currently the host of Steve Wark in the Morning on KMZQ 610AM.

I will, as I have for 15 years now, advocate for the party to take more a leadership role by screening, evaluating and recommending GOP candidates to GOP voters in GOP primaries. Dave will take the position that the party should continue to allow disinterested, ill-informed GOP voters to foist on the party weak candidates who can’t win general elections.

You’re goin’ down, Gibby! :)

For those wondering why competition for RNC chairman is so sharp and contested, consider that the job supposedly pays in excess of $1 million a year.

Holy cow! Even Clark County firefighters don’t make THAT much money!

Also, for those keeping score, incumbent RNC co-chair Jan Larimer – a longtime member universally liked – lost a squeaker and a shocker for reelection, 84 – 82 on Friday. The new co-chair is Sharon Day from Florida.

Facing almost certain defeat in a GOP primary in 2012, Texas Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson announced last week that she would not be seeking re-election and was making the announcement early in the best interest of the party so candidates would have plenty of time to make decisions and prepare campaigns.

If only Nevada’s pompous, self-serving, egotistical Republican U.S. senator would extend the same courtesy here.

For future reference, now that KBH is exiting, you might want to familiarize yourself with this guy (click here).

From the Back from Dead files, someone I met close to George Allen’s camp say he’s putting his “macaca moment” behind him and will announce another run for the U.S. Senate in Virginia, maybe as early as this week. And don’t be surprised if conservatives fed up with Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina don’t start resuscitating former Gov. Mark Sanford’s political career.

While far from scientific and certainly not a representative poll, folks I spoke to at the RNC Winter Meeting say Newt and Mitt are definitely in the race for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination; Mitch Daniels and Haley Barbour are likely candidates; Pawlenty and Thune will be spinning their wheels in hopes of landing the Second Banana slot, Gary Johnson will run just to raise the marijuana and drug war issue, Palin won’t run, and the surprise candidate of the year will be Herman Cain.

Back to Romney briefly, Erin McPike of Real Clear Politics reports that the former Massachusetts governor has hired Rich Beeson, a highly-respected former RNC operative who longtime Nevadans in the party know well, as Beeson was their field rep for while a few years ago. And Rich knows Nevada. Smart hire for the Romney camp.

Considering the fact that this was a meeting pretty much of establishment party leaders, it didn’t really come as much of a surprise that not a single person mentioned Ron Paul’s name even once other than to note that last week marked the first time a father congressman was sworn in on the same day as a son senator.

Returning to Nevada politics, Citizen Outreach CEO Dan Burdish wonders where in the Carson City legislative building will folks working out and sweatin’ to the oldies in Speaker Johnny O’s new gym are going to take a shower after their workouts. Or do they just plan to show up for their committee hearings smelling like those tourists Harry Reid can’t stand at the Capitol in DC?


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